Hertfordshire Polo Academy

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Hertfordshire Polo Academy

We are delighted to welcome visitors and players, old and new, for lessons, polo and equestrian events.

Formerly MHF polo, the Hertfordshire Polo Academy is now based at Silver Leys Polo Club in Little Hadham. We cannot wait to invite you to the lush countryside of Hertfordshire. Join us for lessons, chukkas or a fun day out with family & friends.

*Please note- All lesson goers at the Silver Leys Polo Club venue must sign up as general members. This annual membership costs £20 and offers you entry into all Equestrian events, the summer Headline Polo events and a wide range of on site club benefits.. Available here - www.silverleyspolo.com/join

Join us at the Hertfordshire Polo Academy, Bishops Stortford

Private Lessons

One to One Coaching at Silver Leys Polo

Group Lessons

Small group coaching at Silver Leys Polo

Stick + Ball

30 mins on one of our ponies at Silver Leys

Follow @hertfordshirepoloacademy


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